Memorial Services
I am available to deliver memorial services in churches, funeral homes, residences, and on-site in public and private locations such as cemeteries, and public parks.
Graveside/Burial Services
A burial service is often held at the graveside immediately following a traditional funeral service, although it may also take place in lieu of an indoor service; or even weeks or months later, for instance: once ashes are obtained (in the case of cremation) or once family members are available to travel from out of town or state.
These services are often public events attended by family and friends of the deceased but can also be a time for immediate family to gather privately. A burial service may be brief or may be a complete memorial service / eulogy and may also include readings, songs, prayers, stories shared, military honors, a dove release, or other details as specified by the deceased or desired by the family.
I do my very best to capture the personality and essence of your loved one and honor their life and achievements as respectfully and lovingly as possible.

Please contact me directly to discuss your loved one’s memorial service/celebration of life.
Call or text: 614-806-2654; Email: [email protected]

Visit my Contact page to view my Upcoming Availability Calendar.